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The larp will be held in Stockholm on the 10th of June 2017. The venue is Olympia theater at Odenplan. 

You will need to be in Stockholm the night before, since we start the workshops early in the morning!

The workshops and the game will be played in English. The larp will start at 9 AM on the 10th and end at 11 PM. After that there will be a party. Food during the day of the larp will is not included in the ticket. It can be bought from cafés, restaurants and shops nearby.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and information.


Participants in Cabaret larp need to be 18 or older. Since the venue has many high thresholds and only can be entered by a steep staircase  it isn't reachable by wheelchair. If you have issues with mobility feel free to contact us for more details.

Sign up here

Signup opens February 1st and closes March 10th.


Ticket fees:​


Ordinary: 500 SEK


Budget ticket: 350 SEK

Sponsor: 750 SEK

Larp fund ticket (limited amount): 150 SEK

Budget tickets are for students and others with a tight economy. Sign up paying what you feel that you can afford.

Casting process

The casting process begins when signup has closed. You will be casted in one of the pre-written character roles. Once casted, you have one week to pay the ticket fee, or the role goes to somebody on the reserve list.

If there are more participants than spots on the larp, we will have a lottery among those signed up at March 12th.  

Cross-gendered casting happens for Cabaret, both because it fits the theme and because it presents more play options for people of all genders. If you are not comfortable with playing a character of another gender, you must state this in your signup form.

Late signup will be possible for reserve spots.

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