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Characters for the larp

Here you can read the characters that are available in the larp and they are presented together with their core group. The core group is your closest circle of friends in the larp. You have similar interests and basically like each other, even if there can be some tension between you. You can always hang out with people in your core group.

At the Ballet
Everything is beautiful at the ballet, even though the beauty that was Berlin is about to crumble. You all work at The Silhouette with keeping the guests entertained and thirsty. You all also have in common that you are the ones in the background, no matter if it’s the dressing room or the chorus line. But not everyone can be a star, although that doesn’t mean that some should be. And not be…

Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves
You might not all have been born in the wagon of a travelin’ show, but you all have to dance for the money they’d throw. Being at the bottom you have no way to go but up, but what burdens must be thrown off for you to succeed? Love may be free, but it still comes at a price. And no other knows that better than you...

La Resistance
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. And you are the reaction to the nazi rise to power. You all come from different walks of life but are united in the sole purpose of making sure that the Nazi-party and its lackeys will pay for what they have done. The stakes are high and none of you have any illusions on how the Nazi’s would treat you if you would be exposed. But when that day come, you will raise your hand and remember the words; For, though you die, La Resistance lives on...

Money: Old, New and Lost
You all have one thing in common; money. No matter if it is by earning it, inherit it or by losing it you are all connected by the impact it has on your life. The person who has the gold makes the rules is a motto you all live by and as such you see each other as a class of your own.

The Cabaret Organisers
Even though the Weimar Republic is crumbling and the Nazis are getting harsher in their hunt for deviants and untermenschen your motto still is that the show must go on. You are the ones that have made sure that The Silhouette was a success, and now you are the ones trying to keep her, and therefore a part of the old Berlin, alive. But how much can be compromised before that spirit is lost and the light of the lavendel nights fades into darkness? And what are you willing to pay before that...

The Culture Workers

The politician uses the truth to tell a lie, and the artist uses a lie to tell the truth. But whose truth and what is more important, the truth or to be able to tell at all? You are bound together as artists on a stage that has changed significantly, and the question haunting you now is who the fat lady is and will her last song be an aria - or a dirge?

The Golden Girls/Boys
You have all been fixtures or interiors in the Berlin nightlife for as long as you remember. From its faltering steps after the great war to the heights of the roaring 20ths and now its collapse under nazi rule. You may be an odd fellowship but at the end of the night you can all raise your glasses and say “We were there…”

The Nazi Elite

Tomorrow truly belongs to you. You are all prominent members of the new political elite that the Nazi rise to power has created. But where should the party go next? And should you really follow it there?

The Nazi Footmen
Let the politicians talk and the scientists debate. You all know that the streets are where the battle rages and the war is fought. And you will be there to raise the flag of National-Socialism and crush anyone in your way beneath your steel-clad boots.

The Opposition
You were all a part of the Weimar Republic's political and parliamentary elite. You used to be in opposition to each other but as they say politics makes strange bedfellows. All of you comes from different ideologies but are connected by the fact that none of them are welcomed in the new Reich.

The Party Animals
Your closest friends are the ones you party with. Fun, outgoing, never bothered about the next day. Money can sometimes be an issue, or whatever.

The Starving Friends

Starving for friendship, starving for acceptance, starving for love, starving for ones art or just starving? This little circle of friends have found a common ground in their longing for something to call home. Someone said it’s better to be alone in a group then on one's own and you all finds solace in each others company.

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